[EXTENDED APPLICATIONS] It is time to play — Volunteer at the 9th STIFF!

As our colleagues from SKC says: You still have a chance! You can apply until October 20nd, 2022.
After receiving so many great volunteer applications, we thought — okay, this is going to be one great year!

And maybe we don’t close the applications yet and see who else is coming to PLAY? And so it happened — applications are open until October 22nd, 2022, don’t miss the chance to PLAY!


STIFF is not STIFF without its volunteers and volunteers, and if you are ready to play, 9. STIFF is a place to be!

Find more information on volunteer positions and login methods on the SKC link.
Applications for 7 volunteer categories are open until October 15, 2022.

Play with us in Rijeka Art-kino from 24 to 27 November 2022 at the 9th STIFF!