“Neighboring Sounds” – New outlook on the everyday life

On Tuesday, June 29th, an audio walk was held in Antuna Barca Street in Rijeka – one of five walks that are the result of an online workshop “Urban Vibrations” held with participants from Varaždin, Rijeka, Novi Sad, Brussels, and Groningen.

‘Neighboring Sounds’ is a selection of sound walks created under the direction of artist Gabriel Hensche organized by the Student International Film Festival – STIFF as part of Sound Occupations, an accompanying program of the 7th STIFF, curated by Elena Apostolovski, adapted to the new epidemiological situation.

Based on the experience in lockdown that has significantly affected the range and size of our worlds, and limited our views and experiences, this workshop wants to focus on the immediate environment in which we move and which we took for granted – what happens below our windows and in the street where we live, at the same time encouraging us to imagine and invent the stories of our own spaces.

Participants explored their neighborhood, viewed it from different perspectives, and played with time travel, political context, and center-periphery relations, all with a focus on the soundscapes of specific urban locations.

Rijeka project participant Kristina Paunovski (RH, Rijeka – Antuna Barca 12) designed the Memory Lane walk, which introduces us to the playful perspective of a child through specific instructions. Returning to childhood, the streets gain new meaning, the building gateways become secret shelters, and the audience engages with the rituals of their boyhood solitudes and fantasies in the open air.

Ivana Đerić with her walk Traffic in Groningen (NL – Eendrachtskade Zuidzijde 4) questions the relationship between the center and the outskirts of the city, Iva Galović in Brussels (BE – Rue Defacqz 141, 1060 Saint Gilles) goes through the process of transforming the initial idea of ​​repetitive sounds to the unplanned intertwining of the present moment and possible future in the work Between Now And Then Everything Changed. Bela Bračko Milešević in Varaždin (RH – Otoka Keršovanija 9) asks us the question Have You Ever Wondered What it’s Like to Have a Dog?, and Marija Stojadinović in Overgrown thematizes the feeling of overgrowing one’s own neighborhood in search of a better life (RS, Novi Sad – Laszlo Gala 32).

You can still access all the walks with your own devices (mobile phone, headphones) via the QR code located at each starting point of the listed cities.


* The program was funded by the Croatian Film Directors Association (DHFR).